A Program Recognized for Excellence and Longevity
The world-class SouthWest Arranger Development Program is open to musicians at all levels of experience who want to hone their skills and learn the core tenants of arranging barbershop music. Whether you're brand new to arranging or a seasoned arranger looking to stay on top of best practices and trends, this program will support your goals.
How We Help Arrangers Grow
Arranger Mentoring
Annual Retreats
Summer Seminar Workshop
Setting the Stage for Success
Founded in 1995, the Region 21's SouthWest Arranger Development Program has grown over the years into a well-established training ground recognized by other Sweet Adeline Regions around the world. Region 21 attributes much of the high level of success and dedication to establishing long-lasting mentoring relationships with beginning and intermediate arrangers.
Leaders from Region 21 and Around the World
Region 21 is proud that our active family of Certified Arrangers helped shape and support the Arrangers Development Program. (SWADP). Created in partnership with Region 11, the program functions jointly with guidance and input from both Regional Management Teams and Education Development Coordinators from both regions. The program has consistently cultivated arranger growth in both regions while welcoming the inclusion of arrangers from many locales including Japan, South Carolina, Oregon, New Mexico, Washington, and Colorado.
Nancy Bergman
Nancy Bergman, Master Arranger, began her involvement with barbershop harmony in 1950 and has served as arranger, composer, judge, coach, teacher, chorus director, quartet singer, and administrator. Basically, Nancy does it all. She is one of the pioneers of Sweet Adelines International and in November, 2002, was honored with the coveted “Lifetime Achievement Award”. She has also been designated a Master Arranger—the highest level in the organization’s arranging program.
Joan Adler
“Joanie” Adler is a Certified Arranger and Director of Sweet Adelines International. She has served as the Region 11 Arranger Education Chair and Co-Chair. Joan has been a Sweet Adeline since 1985 and is the Associate Director of ChannelAire Chorus, Region 11. She graduated Cum Laude from UCLA with a Bachelor’s degree in music and sang with Roger Wagner, the founder of the Los Angeles Master Chorale.
Anita Barzilla
Anita Barzilla is a 28-year veteran of Sweet Adelines, a Certified Director and Arranger in IMAP, and serves as faculty in the Region 21 Arrangers’ Development Program. Anita graduated from Southwestern University with a major in viola and minors in piano and voice. During her 28 years with Sweet Adelines, she has sung and competed in all four voice parts, won international with the Scottsdale Chorus, sung in 3 major internationally renowned choruses, directed several choruses in Arizona and Texas, assembled and directed a YWIH ensemble, taught voice lessons and helped countless members to find their true voice part.
Joan D’Agostino
Joan D’Agostino is a Certified Music Arranger (CMA) and joined Region 11 of SAI in 1997 as a Baritone. She began competing in registered quartets in 2000 and is currently the Bass with Nova Quartet , a recent regional medal winner. Now retired,Joan spends much of her time creating BBS arrangements for women. In 2010, she was awarded an International Music Arrangers Program (IMAP) scholarship from SAI to study BBS arranging in greater depth. She received her Certification as a Music Arranger (CMA) in 2012. Armed with her new passion for arranging, Joan serves as Arranger Education Co-chair on the Region 11 Faculty and as ADP Faculty and Mentor for Region 21.
Suzy Lobaugh
Suzy Lobaugh has earned multiple international quartet medals singing tenor, has attained Certification as an Arranger and Director. As an Approved International Faculty Member she has had teaching and coaching assignments in Australia and New Zealand as well as throughout the U.S. ​Suzy has directed choruses in both Region 11 and 21, achieving multiple First Place Division A awards and Most Improved Chorus. In Region 21 she serves as faculty for many classes, and directed the Region 21 STAR Chorus for 7 years. She is a recipient of the Region 21 Hall of Fame Award and an important contributor in the planning and direction of the Arrangers Development Program.