We are women aged 20-80 (give or take a few years) who love singing and are looking for a place to belong, develop lifelong friendships and sing beautiful music (MOSTLY in the Barbershop style) to entertain and inspire audiences in the Coachella Valley and beyond. We're looking for singers, singers who move, and dancers who sing. We aspire to represent the diverse demographic of our valley in terms of age, race/ethnicity, gender preference... everything. Every woman is welcome in this group as long as they sing and are ready, willing and able to work hard toward the goal of being the best women's chorus around! If you want to sit in, send an email to membership@coachellaacappella.com and we'll reply with more information. Rehearsal time is 6:30 to 9:00 pm.
August 16, 2023

Rancho Mirage, CA
Coachella Acappella

Alan Scott
Alan Scott started directing when he was 16 years old as student director of the Advanced Chorus in which he sang at Murphy High School in Mobile, Alabama. Since then, he has completed Bachelors Degrees in Church Music (Manhattan Christian College) and Vocal Performance (University of South Alabama) and a Masters in Choral Conducting (University of Alabama). He has conducted everything from small volunteer church to an all-professional Temple choir and a professional chorus he formed in New York City (The Alan Scott Chorale). Alan’s love for Barbershop music started early. Both his mother and father were very active in the Barbershop Harmony Society/Sweet Adelines International from before he was born until his mother retired in 2015. He was founding director of the Heart of Dixie (Barbershop) chapter, and when he left to pursue his masters degree, his mother took over “temporarily." She stayed with the chorus for 22 years and in the meantime became the first woman in BHS history to direct a chorus in adjudicated competition. (Alan is more than a little proud of his Barbershop roots.) Alan founded the Coachella Acappella chorus in July 2019 and is proud of the chorus, which received its charter in 2023. You can contact Alan at Director@coachellaacappella.org.


Carla Clements

Roseanne Yu
Finance Coordinator

Julie Scott
Marketing Coordinator

Karen Blinkinsop
Education Coordinator

Kathy Granger
Team Coordinator



Coming Soon!