THE SAN DIEGO CHORUS, an a cappella chorus of women singing 4-part harmony (barbershop style), is dedicated to local entertainment and international competition. With a highly trained and talented membership of women, since 1951 the chorus has earned more awards, medals and prizes than any local sports team. Dedicated to musical excellence and education, the San Diego Chorus is a two-time international champion, and holds a multitude of regional championship titles. In the Spring of 2014 San Diego Chorus joined the regional score 700 Club by scoring 708 pts.
March 26, 1951

San Diego, CA
San Diego Chorus

Kathleen Hansen
Master Director
Kathleen joined the San Diego Chapter of Sweet Adelines in 2000, and achieved the level of Master Director in 2015 while directing the San Diego Chorus on the International stage. Kathleen holds a Bachelor's degree in Music Education and a Master's of Music in Instrumental Conducting and a teaching credential for secondary education in music from San Diego State University. Recently she was honored to join the Sweet Adelines International Faculty in a 3-year teaching appointment.
Kathleen is known for her mindful, positive approach to coaching that helps choruses, leadership teams and vocalists strengthen musical skills, overcome barriers and perform at their best. Kathleen leads multiple San Diego Choruses and is available for clinics, judging, and group or one-on-one coaching virtually and onsite.


Andrea Chertkow

Laurie Bokuniewicz
Event Coordinator

Diane Thornewell
Finance Coordinator

Lisa Ordonez
Performance Coordinator

JoAnita Washburn
Membership Coordinator

Pam Murray
Team Coordinator

Kathleen Hansen
Master Director


2019 Sweet Adelines International Twelfth Place Chorus
2018 Region 21 Champion Chorus
2023 2nd Place Chorus Overall

Coming Soon!